Thomas Jefferson University Researchers Recommend Negative Pressure Therapy Use for Groin Incisions Following Independent Study

“There is a risk of complication following any procedure that involves an incision, but the risks are even higher with groin incisions. Morbidity related to groin wounds leads to significant increases in length of stay, need for re-operation, re-admission, and even limb loss,” said Paul DiMuzio, M.D., FACS, lead investigator, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. “The study results indicate that negative pressure therapy over the closed incision significantly decreases the rates of these complications in patients at high risk, and further reduces associated health care costs well beyond the cost of the therapy.”

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Francisco Machota. Enfermero y especialista clínico en la línea de curación de heridas de Smith&NephewFrancisco Machota
Enfermero y especialista clínico en la línea de curación de heridas de Smith&Nephew. Experto en curas por la Universidad de Cantabria y master en Gestión integral e investigación de las heridas crónicas.